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Roald Dahl's short stories

Roald Dahl - Quiz answers
Who runs the chocolate factory? Willy Wonka
Who did George make his medicines for? Grandma
Who did the BFG snatch from the ‘norphanage’? Sophie
Who is the Champion of the World? Danny
What did Danny’s father hunt? Pheasants
Who is Mathilda’s headmistress? Miss Agatha Trunchbull
What do the Giraffe, the Pelly and the Monkey do? Window cleaning
What story is about a ‘Fantastic’ animal? Fantastic Mr Fox
What does the Enormous Crocodile like to eat? Children
What does Mrs Twit put in Mr Twit’s spaghetti? Worms
What was Roald Dahl’s favorite color? Yellow
Where was Roald Dahl born? Llandaff, Wales
How many children did Roald Dahl have? Five
Name one of Roald Dahl’s pet Chopper, Jelly, Eva,
Alma The Goat
Name one of Roald Dahl’s schools Cumberland Lodge
Llandaff Cathedral School
St Peter’ Repton
Which book tells tales of Roald Dahl’s child-hood? Boy : Tales Of Childhood
What colour paper did Roald Dahl write on? Yellow
Who is Liccy Dahl? Roald DAHL’s second wife
Where did Roald Dahl write his stories? In his writing hut
What did Roald Dahl do in WWII? Fighter Pilot